Why was the Atom Bomb built? And how did it get started?

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On December 2, 1942, Enrico Fermi, the explorer of nuclear operations and nuclear furnace, first tested the success of the controlled chain process of nuclear disintegration in the desolate squash court below the University of Chicago Stadium, and with this test the molecule age (Atomic Age) was debuted. Now only remains to test nuclear bombs. In 1945 its opportunity became readily present.

World War II was about to begin in 1939. In 1939, the international situation was getting worse. Hitler’s dictatorship was at its height. In 1939, the international situation was getting worse. Hitler’s dictatorship was at its height.

His aggressive policies and proclamations had caused panic all over Europe. Most scientists left Germany and fled and took refuge in America.

As soon as the war started, Japan joined Germany and started bombing America and destroyed many of its important ports. Incidentally, at the same time, Einstein wrote a letter to the then US President Roosevelt about the possibilities of making atomic bombs and the secret of nuclear power.

Now the United States felt that the demonstration of nuclear power has become necessary to open the eyes of the representatives of the Japanese government.

In July 1939, two scientists Gillard and Bijner discussed Einstein and eventually Einstein wrote a letter to US President Franklin D. Roosevelt as follows:

Dear Mr. President! E. Fermi and L. I have been made aware of some new research by Gillard. And after studying the manuscript of these innovations I close that has convinced the scientific uranium in the future will be able to be used as a new and vital power source.

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Who invented the atomic bomb?

J. Robert Oppenheimer is called the Father of the atomic bomb for leading the Manhattan Project, the project was developed the first nuclear weapon during World War II.


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