How to Bold Everything Before a Colon on Each Line in Microsoft Word

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If you’re a frequent user of Microsoft Word, you may have encountered a scenario where you need to bold everything before a colon on each line. This can be a tedious and time-consuming task if done manually, especially if your document has multiple lines. Fortunately, Microsoft Word has a built-in feature that allows you to automate this process in just a few simple steps.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of bolding everything before a colon on each line in Microsoft Word. We’ll also provide some tips and tricks to help you work more efficiently and effectively in Word.

Step-by-Step Guide to Bold Everything Before a Colon in Word

Before we dive into the step-by-step guide, it’s important to note that the following steps apply to Microsoft Word for Windows. If you’re using Word on a Mac, the steps may be slightly different.

Step 1: Open your document in Microsoft Word.

The first step is to open your document in Microsoft Word. If you’ve already created your document, simply open it. If you’re starting from scratch, create a new document by clicking on “File” in the top left corner, selecting “New,” and choosing “Blank Document.”

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Step 2: Select the text you want to bold.

Next, select the text you want to bold. In this case, you want to select everything before a colon on each line. To do this, click and drag your cursor over the text you want to select. You can also select the text by holding down the “Shift” key and using the arrow keys on your keyboard.

Step 3: Open the “Find and Replace” dialog box.

With the text selected, open the “Find and Replace” dialog box by pressing “Ctrl” + “H” on your keyboard. Alternatively, you can click on “Find” in the “Editing” group on the “Home” tab and select “Replace” from the drop-down menu.

Step 4: Enter the search and replace criteria.

In the “Find and Replace” dialog box, enter the search and replace criteria. In the “Find what” field, enter the following:


This tells Word to search for everything before a colon on each line. The asterisk (*) is a wildcard character that represents any character or combination of characters. The colon (:) is the character you want to find.

In the “Replace with” field, enter the following:


This tells Word to replace the text you found with the same text, but bolded. The “^&” is a special code that tells Word to replace the text with itself.

Step 5: Click “Replace All.”

With the search and replace criteria entered, click “Replace All.” Word will now find everything before a colon on each line and replace it with the same text, but bolded.

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Step 6: Review your document.

Once Word has finished replacing the text, review your document to make sure everything looks correct. If you notice any errors or formatting issues, you can use the “Undo” button or the “Ctrl” + “Z” keyboard shortcut to undo the changes.

Tips and Tricks for Working in Word

Now that you know how to bold everything before a colon in Word, here are some additional tips and tricks to help you work more efficiently and effectively in Word:

1. Use keyboard shortcuts.

Keyboard shortcuts are a great way to speed up your work in Word. Here are a few useful keyboard shortcuts to try:

  • “Ctrl” + “C” to copy selected text
  • “Ctrl” + “V” to paste copied text
  •  “Ctrl” + “Z” to undo the last action
  •  “Ctrl” + “Y” to redo the last action
  •  “Ctrl” + “A” to select all

2. Use styles.

Styles are a powerful tool in Word that can help you quickly apply formatting to your document. Instead of manually formatting each section of your document, you can create styles for headings, paragraphs, and other elements, and then apply those styles with a single click.

To create a style, select the text you want to use as the basis for the style, click on the “Styles” group on the “Home” tab, and select “Create a Style” from the drop-down menu. Give the style a name and choose the formatting options you want to apply, such as font size, color, and spacing.

Once you’ve created your styles, you can apply them by selecting the text you want to format and clicking on the appropriate style in the “Styles” group. This can save you a lot of time and effort when formatting your document.

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3. Use the Navigation pane.

The Navigation pane is a useful tool in Word that allows you to quickly navigate to different sections of your document. To open the Navigation pane, click on the “View” tab and select “Navigation Pane” in the “Show” group.

In the Navigation pane, you can see a list of all the headings and other elements in your document. You can click on a heading to go to that section of the document, or you can use the search box to find specific text.

4. Use templates.

If you frequently create documents with similar formatting or content, you can save time by using templates. Word comes with a variety of templates for common types of documents, such as resumes, newsletters, and flyers.

To use a template, click on “File” in the top left corner, select “New,” and choose “Templates” from the left-hand menu. You can then choose a template that suits your needs and customize it as necessary.

5. Use headers and footers.

Headers and footers are sections of your document that appear at the top and bottom of each page. You can use headers and footers to add page numbers, document titles, and other information that should appear on every page.

To add a header or footer, click on the “Insert” tab and select “Header” or “Footer” in the “Header & Footer” group. You can then choose from a variety of pre-made headers and footers, or you can create your own by typing in the desired text and formatting it as necessary.


Bolding everything before a colon on each line in Microsoft Word can be a tedious and time-consuming task if done manually. Fortunately, Word has a built-in feature that allows you to automate this process in just a few simple steps. In this article, we’ve provided a step-by-step guide to bolding everything before a colon in Word, as well as some additional tips and tricks to help you work more efficiently and effectively in Word. By using these tips and tricks, you can save time and effort when creating and formatting your documents in Word.

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